While we give you tokens to pass things like the offer ID, transactionID, amount, and subID, you may also want to pass additional variables through the Thrive pixel/postback and possibly one of your 3rd party pixels or postbacks too.
You can actually add in any additional information you like, but you need to turn on the setting first.
Go to your Settings and turn on "Additional Post-Back Pixel Tokens"
For example, let's say we are already capturing the transID in the Thrive pixel, but we also want to pass back the TransactionID in our 3rd party pixel.
Thrive pixel:
3rd party pixel:
If this was the pixel provided to us from our traffic source/3rd party, then we would now be able to use the {tid} token in it.
Thrive should pass whatever value is attached to the "tid=" portion of the Thrive post-back to the 3rd party post-back now.
You could also customize this even further. If it wasn't already something like tid that we were capturing, you could set it up like this:
Thrive Pixel:
3rd Party Pixel:
The token that you use in the 3rd party postback needs to match the parameter in the Thrive postback!
If you have any questions on set up or need assistance, please contact Support anytime and we would be happy to help you out.
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