What is Woocommerce?
Woocommerce is an e-commerce platform that allows users to create and manage an online store. Woocommerce allows users to sell their products across different platforms like social media, web, and mobile.
Can I track Woocommerce purchases with ThriveTracker?
Absolutely! You can track your Woocommerce purchases (conversions) in ThriveTracker in just a few easy steps.
Adding Your Woocommerce Link to ThriveTracker
First, go to your Offers tab in your navigation menu in Thrive. Then select Add a New Offer.
This will open the Offer Modal below where you can fill in details about your Woocommerce offer. You can set a value per conversion (revenue) here, but we also give you the ability to track this value through the pixel to match the order total. You can add a placeholder here and anything sent via the pixel will override this value. Your offer URL should be the Woocommerce URL you want the visitor to land on (like the homepage of your shop).
Click Save once complete.
Adding Your ThriveTracker Pixel to Woocommerce
The below snippet of code can be used to track conversions on the thank you page in Woocommerce.
A few important notes before you place this code:
- You can either add this code using a Woocommerce plugin (such as Snippets) that allows custom tracking scripts to be added OR you can place in your child theme's functions.php file.
- If you will be placing this code in the functions.php file, please make sure to do so on the child theme. This is important because if you are adding code to the parent theme file, if any updates are made for that theme, they will override your code. A child theme allows you to make changes and customizations to the theme, without having to completely create a new theme. You can read more about child themes here.
- You can edit the child theme functions.php file either on your server, or through the Woocommerce Editor by going to Appearance --> Theme Editor.
- If your thank you page is secure (https), please make sure you have SSL enabled on your Thrive domain so that you can use secure tracking pixels. You can read more about SSLs here.
Conversion Tracking Script for Woocommerce Thank You Page
/** if( ! get_post_meta( $order_id, '_thankyou_action_done', true ) ) { // vars // wc_vars
This tracking code will allow you to track conversions (purchases) in ThriveTracker and will also capture the orderID and order total (revenue) for each conversion. Make sure to replace yourthrivedomain.com with your actual Thrive tracking domain.
Have additional questions or need further support? Please contact Support anytime and we would be happy to help you out.
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