The {externalid} variable is used for 3rd party post-back URLs from traffic sources. Some traffic sources have post-backs that you can use to notify them when there is a conversion. And in order to be able to track it, the traffic source will pass in their click ID (referred to as External ID in Thrive) which will associate with Thrive's sub ID.
This kind of report can be found in Clicks/Conversions Log from the left navigation of Thrive.
This is going to be your most detailed report as it shows every single click and conversion that comes through Thrive along with its specific details, such as externalID.
You can select any desirable filters and any date range you wish to view this breakdown by as well.
After we export and open our .csv report we will be able to see the externalID that is tied to any clicks and conversions where your traffic source passed it through to Thrive.
Example CSV Export:
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