As you get better and better as a performance marketer, you’ll notice you need to track ever more complex funnels. For direct response campaigns, you might just have a single landing page that links to a single offer, or, sometimes traffic is linked directly to the offer.
As you get more advanced, however, you might find yourself wanting to test multiple offers on the same landing page. Go a step further, you might want to create multiple split tests on a single landing page and have each split test rotate multiple offers to test.
You may find yourself wanting to track multiple steps of a funnel across multiple sequential pages and introduce multiple split tests at various points of the funnel where you think your audience might convert.
No matter how complex the tree, with our tracking platform THRIVE, you can create as many branches as you want in your funnel so that you can design the tree for your funnel however you’d like and with as many split tests as you’d like. We refer to this feature as “Branching”.
You can watch a quick overview in the following video:
Multiple Split Tests on a Single Landing Page
To understand how Branching works, let’s start with an example of using it on a single landing page.
Let’s say on this landing page, you have 3 offers from 3 different verticals: verticals A, B, and C. And now, you want to setup a split test for multiple offers in each of the verticals.
So, you’ll have 3 links in the landing page that rotates 3 different offers each:
- Link 1: rotates between Offer A1, Offer A2, Offer A3
- Link 2: rotates between Offer B1, Offer B2, Offer B3
- Link 3: rotates between Offer C1, Offer C2, Offer C3
How would we set that up in THRIVE?
First, let’s ignore the offers for verticals B and C.
Go into your Campaign > Rotations
Now, we just have a simple campaign with a single landing page links to 3 offers, and it would look like this:
The landing page code to link to those offers would be:
<a href="">Link Text for Vertical A</a>
But now, how do we link to a completely different set of offers on the same landing page? We’re going to create a Branch.
We're going to add 2 branches and name these branches "Vertical B" and "Vertical C".
Now, let’s add offers to these branches so we can split test these offers for each vertical:
After adding the respective offers for Vertical B and Vertical C, your Branches section of your rotations should look like this:
Now, all we have to do is get the landing page code to link to the 2 branches. First, we need their Branch ID’s. Those are located right below the branch name, and it’s 7511 for Vertical B, and the branch ID for Vertical C is 8010.
Click “Get Branches LP Code”:
And we can figure out that the landing page code to link to each respective branch is as follows. We just need to place the branch ID’s after the “b=” variable in the code.
Landing Page Code for Vertical B:<a href="">Link Text for Vertical B</a>
Landing Page Code for Vertical C:<a href="">Link Text for Vertical C</a>
And you’re all set! You should now have 3 different links on your landing page that links to 3 different sets of offers to split test.
Apply This to Multiple Step Funnels
Now, if you let your imagination go a little further, you’ll realize that each offer can also link to a branch, and the tree can be endless.
If you have multiple steps in your landing page funnel, you can add subsequent steps as offersinstead of landing pages and use this branching feature to create as many split tests as you want. You can branch the visitors off from your funnel at any point. Just link to the specific branch ID that you want on any page.
For example, we can setup a funnel like this:
Landing Page (1st Level)
For the first level, maybe you have 2 landing pages you want to split test, so you add them all to the rotation. We’ll also need the offers we want to split test under each rotation. We do not have to link to this offer on the page.
Landing Page (2nd Level)
Now, let’s say we have another step in the sequence that we want to split test 2 landing pages with. In this case, we’re going to add the 2 landing pages as offers in THRIVE, then add those 2 offers to a branch in the campaign’s rotations.
Now, on each of the landing pages for the 1st level, you just need to link to this branch (branch ID is 5384) with the following code:<a href="">Click Here for 2nd Level Lander Split Test!</a>
Offer Split Test
After the 2-step landing page, the visitor is sent to the offer. Let’s say we also have 2 offers we want to split test. So what do we do? We create another branch again. This is getting familiar right?
And similarly, on the pages of the 2nd step landers, put the branches code (branch ID is 3532) on those pages where you want to link to the offer:<a href="">Click Here for the Primary Offer!</a>
That link would then link to the split test of 2 offers.
Finally, the Up-Sell Offer
Then, let’s say you want another offer after the primary one as an up-sell. Similarly, create another branch, add the one or more offers to that branch to split test, and on the primary offer pages, use the branch code for the up-sell branch to link to the up-sell offers.
As you can imagine, you can create as many landing page or offer split tests at multiple points in your funnel. The possibilities are endless when using the basic unit of a branch to construct your tree.
While a single branch is a relatively simple concept (it’s a rotator that rotates multiple pages), it becomes immensely powerful when you start piecing together multiple branches in a complex funnel.
If you have any questions on set up or need assistance, please contact Support anytime and we would be happy to help you out.
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