At ThriveTracker, we believe that we only succeed when you do. We love automating processes, removing tedious tasks, being on the razors edge of new technology, and helping you find the pockets of traffic that maximize your profit.
We were approached by LanderBolt a few weeks ago about an exciting project that exclusively integrates with ThriveTracker. The best part, it works with ThriveTracker’s AI tool and the combination of both systems gives you some serious firing power. We are not bragging, but no other tracker has this. Enough about us. Let’s show you what this is, how it works, who it’s for and why you should be using it.
1. Start By Signing Up for LanderBolt here:
2) Add a domain(s) or transfer any domains you own by setting LanderBolt's two name servers in your registrar.
3) Make sure your DNS has been updated and then navigate to the Templates tab in LanderBolt.
4) Select one of the AMPS (Automated Multivariate Landing Page System) templates.
5) Add the headlines you want to test.
6) Select the images that you want to test (Tip: Keep the file sizes small)
7) Enter the Call to Action Text that you want to test
To demonstrate how a few entries in a matter of minutes can result in a large amount of pages to test, check out the numbers below:
8) Fill out the Page name, choose the domain, subdomain (optional) and a folder name (optional if you want your pages on the root). Click Create Page.
9) Now you will need to integrate with Thrive. Navigate to the Integrations tab and Connect Tracker.
10) Enter in a name for the integration and your API information from Thrive.
To get your API Key and Install ID, in Thrive go to the gear settings icon --> API Access.
Under the API Authentication tab, you will see your API Key and if you search by installId you will see a 4 digit code. Paste these into LanderBolt.
Connect to Tracker.
11) Go to the Dashboard tab in LanderBolt and find your campaign. Click the gear icon.
Click Publish.
12) Next Click Publish to tracker and choose your thrive account.
13) Navigate to your landing page section in Thrive and click on the page name, it should have all of your page variations. In just a few minutes you can do multivariate testing and use our AI to do find profitable landers faster, and automate tracking by simply pasting in your tracking code into LanderBolt.
14) Make sure to place your Landing Page Code (to track click throughs from landing page to offer).
Go to the Landing Pages -> Get LP Code tab in Thrive and grab your outgoing links.
Then in Landerbolt, go to the Dashboard, find your campaign, click on the page editor. Find your call to action button, right click and select Edit Link.
Select URL as the link type and paste in your outgoing link (LP Code).
This will set the URL for all of the different pages for you. No need to update tons of pages manually.
Hit Ok. Scroll up to the top of the page and Save Changes.
15) Lastly, make sure to set up a campaign and add your landing pages and offers to it in Thrive. We highly recommend turning on AI to even better manage your campaign rotation and ensure that your top performers are those that are being shown. You can read more about our AI and how to use it here.
With this new Tech stack your chances of finding a winning profitable lander are significantly increased if you use ThriveTrackers AI. LanderBolt is hard at work releasing new updates so you can test colors, css, entry alerts, and apply these to any page you import.
Have questions? Feel free to email us at and we would be happy to help get you set up.
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